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Atualização das Skills

Atualização do L2XM para Assassin revoluciona o jogo com melhorias visuais, nova classe e habilidades inovadoras, diversificando a jogabilidade.


1. Reduzido o tempo antes que a próxima ação possa ser executada após o uso das seguintes skills de ataque: 0,5 → 0 segundos (para todas).

— Além disso, o tempo de lançamento das skills foi aumentado:

* Triple Sonic Slash: 1,3 segundos → 1,8 segundos.

* Sonic Blaster: 1,9 segundos → 2,4 segundos.

* Rising Attack: 1,5 segundos → 2 segundos.

* Amazing Rising Attack: 1,5 segundos → 2 segundos.

* Sonic Rage: 1,2 segundos → 1,7 segundos.

2. Alterada a duração e o efeito da skill Sonic Move. O consumo de Spirit Ore também foi alterado.

Skill LevelEfeitoDuraçãoConsumo de Spirit Ore
1Speed +20 → +530 sec. → 20 min.x1 → x2
2Speed +30 → +1030 sec. → 20 min.x1 → x4
3Speed +50 → +1530 sec. → 20 min.x1 → x6
4Speed +45 → +2030 sec. → 20 min.x1 → x8
5Speed +50 → +3030 sec. → 20 min.x1 → x10

3. Aumentou o poder base da skill Sword Spirit em um fator de 3,6 enquanto o efeito Challenger estiver ativo.

4. Reduziu o tempo de recarga da skill Slashing Blades de 10 segundos para 5 segundos. Também aumentou o alcance da skill contra inimigos à frente do personagem de 100 para 400.

5. Adicionou um Ignorar Defesa de 10% à skill Amazing Rising Attack.

6. Corrigido um problema que impedia que o ataque forçado das skills Blade Wave e Slashing Blades fosse acionado.


1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Titan Spirit”.

Titan Spirit Lv. 1P. Atk. +500
Knockback Atk. Rate +2%
Lv. 76
5,900,000 SP
Spellbook: Titan Spirit

2. Aumentado o level máximo das skills Guts e Frenzy de Lv. 7 para Lv. 8.

Guts Lv. 8<Skill with fixed cooldown>
For 1 min.
P. Def. +150%
M. Def. +2000
Max HP +1000
Speed +15
Debuff Resistance +50%
Anomaly Resistance +50%
When using skills, recovers 150 MP.
Cannot be used with Frenzy.
Lv. 90
840,000,000 SP
300 million adena
Frenzy Lv. 8<Skill with fixed cooldown>
For 1 min.
P. Atk. +15%
Atk. Spd. +22%
P. Critical Rate +8
P. Critical Damage +8%
P. Skill Critical Rate +7%
P. Skill Critical Damage +7%
P. Skill Power +3%
Speed +15
When using a two-handed sword. blunt weapon or a spear
P. Atk. +10%
P. Accuracy +8
When using skills, recovers 150 MP.
Cannot be used with Guts.
Lv. 90
840,000,000 SP
300 million adena

3. Alterado o efeito da skill Blade Wave – Challenger:

— O poder da skill agora é o mesmo que o da skill Blade Wave regular.

— Realiza dois golpes em vez de um.

4. Foram adicionadas novas skills.

★★Titans’ SecretsLv. 76
590,000 SP
Spellbook: Titans’ Secrets
When used, removes Suppression anomalies.
For 3 sec., Suppression Resistance +20%.
Recovers 1000 CP.
<Consumes 2 Spirit Ore>
– Replaces the Braveheart skill.
★★Destructive ShriekLv. 90
84,000,000 SP
Spellbook: Destructive Shriek
<Fear/ Suppression skill>
For 3 sec., applies Anxiety to nearby enemies.
Speed -90%
– Replaces the Destroyer’s Roar skill.
Demolition FormulaLv. 76
590,000 SP
Spellbook: Demolition Formula
Attacks the enemy with 7477 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 10% of the target’s defense.
– Replaces the Demolition Impact skill.

— A skill “Demolition Formula” na Transcendent se transforma em “Transcendent Demolition Formula” quando o buff “Grand Master’s Blessing” é aplicado.

5. As skills existentes foram aprimoradas.

Titan Champion1P. Atk. +20%
P. Critical Rate +100
P. Critical Damage +100%
P. Skill Critical Rate +50
P. Skill Critical Damage +50%
Knockback Atk. Rate +20%
Max HP +50%
Speed +20
<Titan’s Charisma>
Shows a Titan’s true face.
Suppresses surrounding enemies, applies Anxiety for 3 sec.
P. Atk. +20%
P. Critical Rate +100
P. Critical Damage +100%
P. Skill Critical Rate +50
P. Skill Critical Damage +50%
Knockback Atk. Rate +40%
Fear Atk. Rate +40%
Max HP +50%, momentarily recovers HP.
Speed +20
Titanic Break6<Shock Skill>
Attack enemies at the front with 4285 power.
Stuns for 3 sec.
Ignores Shield Defense.
<Knockback skill>
Attacks the enemy twice with 4499 power. Knocks down for 3 sec.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 10% of the target’s defense.
PvP: Attacks up to 14 targets
PvE: Attacks up to 14 targets
Titanic Sweep6Attacks nearby enemies.
Power 4285.
Ignores 10% of the target’s defense.
Attacks nearby enemies with 4285 power.
<Giant’s Ring>
When using skills, while Titanic Weapon Lv. 2 is active:
With a certain chance, makes 2 enhanced attacks.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 10% of the target’s defense.
Titanic Weapon1P. Atk. +40%
Max HP +300
Dagger Resistance -20%
When using the Demolition Impact skill:
With a certain chance, makes an additional attack.
(Trigger cooldown: 10 sec.)

When using a two-handed sword/ blunt weapon:
Increases attack range.
P. Atk. +10%
Atk. Spd. +100
P. Accuracy +3
P. Atk. +40%
Max HP +300
Dagger Resistance -20%
When using the Demolition Impact/ Demolition Formula skills:
with a 20% chance, makes an additional attack.
When using a two-handed sword/ blunt weapon:
Increases attack range.
P. Atk. +10%
Atk. Spd. +100
P. Accuracy +3

6. Novos levels de skill para “Titanic Weapon” foram adicionados.

2P. Atk. +40%
Max HP +300
Dagger Resistance -15%
When using the Demolition Impact/ Demolition Formula skills:
with a 20% chance, makes an additional attack.
When using a two-handed sword/ blunt weapon:
Increases attack range.
P. Atk. +10%
Atk. Spd. +100
P. Accuracy +3
<Giant’s Ring>
When using the Titanic Sweep skill with a 15% chance:
makes 2 enhanced attacks.
<Great Pressure>
On applying Fear to the target for 5 sec.:
Knockback Atk. Rate +5%
Lv. 84
24,000,000 SP
Magic Tablet x62
3P. Atk. +40%
Max HP +300
When using the Demolition Impact/ Demolition Formula skills:
with a 20% chance, makes an additional attack.
When using a two-handed sword/ blunt weapon:
Increases attack range.
P. Atk. +10%
Atk. Spd. +100
P. Accuracy +3
<Giant’s Ring>
When using the Titanic Sweep skill with a 20% chance:
makes 2 enhanced attacks.
<Great Pressure>
On applying Fear to the target for 5 sec.:
Knockback Atk. Rate +10%
Lv. 90
84,000,000 SP
Magic Tablet x62

7. A skill “Life Force Harmony” foi alterada da seguinte forma.

— A skill “Life Force Harmony Lv. 1” da classe Titan foi substituída por “Life Force Harmony: Titan Lv. 1”.

Life Force Harmony: Titan1Max HP +1000
Depending on your current HP, the following effects are applied:
<HP 0-33%>
P. Skill Power +5%
<HP 34-66%>
P. Skill MP Consumption -10%
P. Skill Cooldown -10%
<HP 67-100%>
Received damage -5%
M. Def. +10%
Lv. 80
1,370,000 SP
Spellbook: Life Force Harmony x1
2Max HP +1000
Depending on your current HP, the following effects are applied:
<HP 0-33%>
P. Skill Power +5%
<HP 34-66%>
P. Skill MP Consumption -10%
P. Skill Cooldown -10%
<HP 67-100%>
Received damage -5%
M. Def. +10%
<True Toughness>
For characters/ pets/ servitors, when struck with a Suppression anomaly for 5 sec.
Max HP +500
P. Def. +500
M. Def. +250
Lv. 90
84,000,000 SP
Spellbook: Life Force Harmony x1

Grand Khavatari

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Khavatari Spirit”.

Khavatari Spirit Lv. 1P. Atk. +100
P. Skill Critical Damage +40
Lv. 76
6,100,000 SP
Spellbook: Khavatari Spirit

2. Reduzido o tempo antes que a próxima ação possa ser realizada após o uso das seguintes skills de ataque: 0,5 → 0 segundos (para todas).

— Além disso, o tempo de lançamento das skills foi aumentado:

*Burning Strike: 2 segundos → 2,5 segundos.

*Burning Assault: 1,2 segundos → 1,5 segundos.

*Hurricane Assault: 1,3 segundos → 1,8 segundos.

*Force Storm: 1,9 segundos → 2,4 segundos.

3. Melhorada a skill passiva Force Mastery:

Force Mastery
Momentum Recovery cooldown (trigger)7 sec. → 1 sec.
Recover Momentum rate after a basic attack (trigger rate)30% → 75%


1. Uma nova skill passiva chamada “Splash Attack” foi adicionada.

Splash Attack Lv. 1P. Def. +100
M. Def. +100
AoE Skill Damage +1%
Lv. 76
7,200,000 SP
Spellbook: Splash Attack

2. A skill “Anger” só pode ser usada quando equipado com uma lança. O efeito da skill muda com base no número de alvos.

— Habilidade única: ataca um único alvo.

— Habilidade em massa: ataca vários alvos.

— Ataque básico: quando a skill “Focus Attack” está ativa, causa dano a um único alvo; caso contrário, ataca vários alvos.

Anger1Available when using a spear.
When the inner rage reaches its limits, it breaks free.
When it turns into Insanity, during an attack an additional attack is triggered
depending on the number of targets.
Rage charging conditions: using a basic attack/ attack skill/ debuff/ rush when using a spear.
Cooldown: 3 sec.
When charged to maximum, an additional attack is triggered.
Anger2Available when using a spear.
When using a spear, P. Atk. +400.
When the inner rage reaches its limits, it breaks free.
When it turns into Insanity, during an attack an additional attack is triggered
depending on the number of targets.
Rage charging conditions: using a basic attack/ attack skill/ debuff/ rush when using a spear.
Cooldown: 3 sec.
When charged to maximum, an additional attack is triggered.

3. Alterado o raio de ataque da skill Great Sweep. Antes, o dano era causado em forma de cone à frente do lançador, agora será centrado no alvo e causará dano ao redor dele.

4. O tempo de lançamento da skill “Spear Cage’s” agora é baseado na Velocidade de Ataque.


1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Instigator”.

Instigator Lv. 1Max HP +100
Max BP +850
P. Atk. +100
Lv. 76
5,900,000 SP
Spellbook: Instigator

Todos os Tanks

1. Aumentada a taxa de acionamento do “Knight’s Help” ao usar as skills “Knight’s Assault” e “Shield Throwing” de 20% para 50%.

— Affected skills:

Phoenix KnightPhoenix Help
Hell KnightHelp of Hatred
Eva’s TemplarEva’s Help
Shillien TemplarShillien’s Help

2. Alterada a taxa de acionamento da skill “Aggression” contra um único alvo quando não aprimorada com “Master of Aggression”.

3. Alterado o level de personagem necessário para aprender “Power of Life Lv. 3” e “Toughness Lv. 3”.

Power of Life391 → 90Phoenix Knight
Eva’s Templar
Toughness391 → 90Hell Knight
Shillien Templar

4. O efeito da skill “Power of Aggression” foi modificado da seguinte forma:

Received P. Skill Critical Rate -5%
Speed +8
Received P. Skill Critical Rate -9%
Speed +8
Phoenix Knight
Received P. Skill Critical Damage -8%
Speed +5
Received P. Skill Critical Damage -9%
Speed +5
Hell Knight

5. Os ícones de “Defensive Aggression”, “Shield Throwing” e “Knight’s Assault” foram melhorados para melhor refletir o estilo da classe.

6. Alteração dos requisitos de P. Def. para o uso da skill “Knight’s Power Lv. 2”. Também aprimorados os seguintes efeitos:

— Além disso, redução do level máximo do efeito de trigger de Lv. 10 para Lv. 4.

LevelP. Def. Obrigatório AntesP. Def. Obrigatório AgoraEfeito
1Lower than 5000Lower than 5000P. Atk. +200
25000 – 69995000 – 14,999P. Atk. +900
37000 – 899915,000 – 24,999P. Atk. +1800
49000 – 10,99925,000 – 50,000P. Atk. +2000

7. Foram adicionados efeitos adicionais às skills “Knight’s Power” e “Masterpiece Shield”.

SkillLevelEfeitos Adicionais
Knight’s Power2Basic Critical Rate +3%
P. Skill Critical Rate +3%
Basic Critical Damage +100
P. Skill Critical Damage +100
Masterpiece Shield1All received Critical Damage -2%
2All received Critical Damage -4%

Hell Knight

1. Alterado o nome da skill do Hell Knight de “Summon Dark Panther” para “Dark Panther Help”.

— Alterado o tipo da skill de convocação para skill de aumento que é acionada com uma certa chance ao atacar ou usar skills.

— O level máximo aumentado de 11 para 13.

SkillDuraçãoDescrição Lv1. 1
Dark Panther Help20 min.After an attack with a 50% chance a Dark Panther appears and attacks the enemy.
Dark Panther attack deals physical damage with 1180 power.

2. Aumentado o level máximo da skill “Help of Hatred”.

2Lv. 83
240,000,000 SP
Spellbook: Knight’s Help
PvE damage +5%
With a certain chance, imbues the shield with the power of hatred after using the following attack skills. The power deals an additional attack and provokes the enemy to attack you.
– Shield Strike (trigger rate: 20%)
– Shield Throwing (trigger rate: 50%)
– Knight’s Assault (trigger rate: 50%)

Shillien Templar

1. Os levels das skills “Fortitude” e “Shillien’s Help” foram expandidos.

Fortitude6Lv. 90
840,000,000 SP
100 million adena
Bow Resistance +60%
Firearms Resistance +60%
M. Damage Resistance +60%
Shock Resistance +30%
Paralysis Resistance +30%
<Enchant Skill>
Ultimate Defense Lv. 3
→ Ultimate Defense: Fortitude
Shillien’s Help2Lv. 88
840,000,000 SP
Spellbook: Knight’s Help
Paralysis Atk. Rate +20%
P. Skill Damage in PvP +2%
With a certain chance, imbues the cross with the power of Shillien after using the following attack skills. The power deals an additional attack and provokes the enemy to attack you.
– Judgment (trigger rate: 20%)
– Shield Throwing (trigger rate: 50%)
– Knight’s Assault (trigger rate: 50%)

— Se o Shillien Templar já tiver aprendido a skill “Ultimate Defense Lv. 3” e aprender “Fortitude Lv. 6”, a skill é aprimorada da seguinte forma.

Ultimate Defense Lv. 3Ultimate Defense: Fortitude
When used, recovers 6000 HP.
P. Def. +4500
M. Def. +4500
Buff Cancel Resistance +90%
Max HP +6000
Defense Ignore Removal 30%
Shield Defense Ignore Removal 30%
All received Critical Rate -5%
When used, recovers 6000 HP.
P. Def. +4500
M. Def. +4500
Buff Cancel Resistance +90%
Max HP +6000
Defense Ignore Removal 30%
Defense Ignore Resistance 30%
All received Critical Rate -5%
Received AoE Skill Damage -5%

2. Aumentada a Paralysis Atk. Rate para a skill “Condemnation” e adicionado um trigger adicional.

<Fixed cast time/ Paralysis skill>
Strikes the target with lightning.
Attacks nearby enemies paralyzing them for 5 sec. Power 9619.
Target’s CP -50%
For 10 sec.,
Received Healing -30%
Debuff/ Anomaly Resistance -30%
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 25% of target’s defense.
Available only if the distance to the target is 80 or more.
<Fixed cast time/ Paralysis skill>
Strikes the target with lightning.
Attacks nearby enemies paralyzing them for 5 sec. Power 9619.
With a 50% chance, performs an additional attack.
Target’s CP -50%
For 10 sec.,
Received Healing -30%
Debuff/ Anomaly Resistance -30%
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 25% of target’s defense.
Available only if the distance to the target is 80 or more.

— Após aprender a skill Master of Aggression, a skill Aggression é substituída por Overwhelming Aggression.

AntesAgoraEfeito Overwhelming Aggression
<Skill Upgrade>
Aggression → Force Aggression
<Skill Upgrade>
Aggression → Overwhelming Aggression
<Skill Upgrading>
Aggression → Overwhelming Aggression
<Enchantment Effect>
Aggression power is increased.
When using Overwhelming Aggression, deals self-damage for 3 sec.
Activates Power of Aggression.
<When triggered: Power of Aggression>
Received P. Skill Critical Damage -8%
Debuff/ Anomaly Resistance +2%
Speed +6

Eva’s Templar

1. Aumentado o level máximo das skills Aegis e Eva’s Help de Lv. 1 para Lv. 2.

Aegis2Lv. 90
13,600,000 SP
100 million adena
Enables Shield Defense for attacks from all directions.
<Skill Upgrade>
Ultimate Defense Lv. 3 → Ultimate Defense: Aegis
Eva’s Help2Lv. 88
840,000,000 SP
Spellbook: Knight’s Help
Additional attack damage +5%
P. Def. +100
With a certain chance, imbues the cross with the power of Eva after using the following attack skills. The power deals an additional attack and provokes the enemy to attack you.
– Tribunal (trigger rate: 20%)
– Shield Throwing (trigger rate: 50%)
– Knight’s Assault (trigger rate: 50%)

— Se o Eva’s Templar já tiver aprendido a skill Ultimate Defense Lv. 3 e aprender Aegis Lv. 2, a skill é aprimorada da seguinte forma.

Ultimate Defense Lv. 3Ultimate Defense: Aegis
Recovers 6000 HP when using skills.
Max HP +6000
P. Def. +4500
M. Def. +4500
Buff Cancel Resistance +90%
Defense Ignore Removal 30%
Shield Defense Ignore Removal 30%
All received Critical Rate -5%
Recovers 6000 HP when using skills.
Max HP +6000
P. Def. +4500
M. Def. +4500
Buff Cancel Resistance +90%
Defense Ignore Removal 45%
Shield Defense Ignore Removal 45%
All received Critical Rate -5%

2. O efeito da skill Holy Aura do Eva’s Templar foi alterado da seguinte forma.

Additional damage to demons/ undeadP. Def.P. Atk.M. Def.

3. A skill Shelter do Eva’s Templar agora possui um efeito adicional.

— Os efeitos existentes permanecem os mesmos.

ShelterAll received Critical Damage -300

4. Atualizar a skill Aggression com a skill Master of Aggression agora funciona da seguinte forma.

<Skill Upgrade>
Aggression → Deadly Aggression
<Skill Upgrade>
Aggression → Defensive Aggression

— O efeito da skill Defensive Aggression é descrito abaixo:

Defensive Aggression<Skill with fixed cooldown>
Provokes the enemy, making them change their target and attack you.
Power 7180.
Activates <Power of Aggression> for 3 sec.
Received P. Skill Critical Rate -5%
P. Def. +400
M. Def. +400
Speed +10

Phoenix Knight

1. Aumentado o level máximo de Phoenix Help (1 → 2) e Power of Life (3 → 4).

Phoenix Help2Lv. 83
240,000,000 SP
Spellbook: Knight’s Help
P. Atk. +700
With a certain chance, imbues the shield with the power of Phoenix after using the following attack skills. The power deals an additional attack and provokes the enemy to attack you.
– Shield Strike (trigger rate: 20%)
– Shield Throwing (trigger rate: 50%)
– Knight’s Assault (trigger rate: 50%)
Power of Life4Lv. 91
840,000,000 SP
100 million adena
Fills your body with power and energy.
Max HP +25%
Max HP +5000
P. Def. +1000
M. Def. +500
Shield Defense +500

2. O efeito do Phoenix Shield foi modificado da seguinte forma.

Covers nearby allies by a barrier imbued with the power of Phoenix.
For 20 sec., creates a barrier with 5000 HP + 25% of the caster’s Max HP.
Covers nearby allies by a barrier imbued with the power of Phoenix.
For 5 sec. received damage limit: 5000
For 20 sec., creates a barrier with 5000 HP + 25% of the caster’s Max HP.

Dance e Song

1. Melhorado o efeito da skill “Rapid Frantic Pace: Dancer/Sword Muse”.

SkillLevelEfeito Alterado
Rapid Frantic Pace: Dancer1-10– Decreased additional power against Held targets (50% → 20%)
– Decreased power added as Base power
Rapid Frantic Pace: Sword Muse

2. Os efeitos das habilidades usadas por Iss Sword Muse e Spectral Dancer foram alterados da seguinte forma.

Bard’s Weapon Mastery1-12Iss Sword Muse
Spectral Dancer
Shock Atk. Rate +15%
→ Silence/ Imprisonment Atk. Rate +7%
Amadeus1Iss Sword MuseSkill trigger rate:
Rapid Frantic Pace 25% → 35%
(Power 7053)
Flamenco1Spectral DancerSkill trigger rate:
Rapid Frantic Pace 25% → 30%
(Power 7286)

3. Agora, um ataque adicional de “Fatal Slasher” é acionado apenas ao usar skills de ataque.

4. Foi adicionado o efeito “P. Atk. +5%” (★★★) à skill “Dance Mastery”.

Spectral Dancer

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Dancer’s Play”.

Dancer’s Play Lv. 1Max HP +200
P. Def. +200
M. Def. +200
Lv. 76
7,600,000 SP
Spellbook: Dancer’s Play

2. Aumentado o poder do ataque adicional que é acionado quando você usa a skill “Rapid Frantic Pace: Dancer” enquanto o Flamenco está ativo: 5264 → 7286.

Sword Muse

1. Adicionada a skill passiva “Sounds of Muse”.

Sounds of Muse Lv. 1M. Def. +100
P. Skill Critical Damage +40
Lv. 76
10,200,000 SP
Spellbook: Sounds of Muse

2. Aumentado o poder da skill “Rapid Frantic Pace: Sword Muse” em todos os levels: 6267 → 7834 (Nível 1), 7630 → 9537 (Nível 10).

3. Aumentado o poder do ataque adicional que é acionado quando você usa a skill “Rapid Frantic Pace: Sword Muse” enquanto o Amadeus está ativo: 4387 → 7053.

Dominator e Doomcryer

1. Uma nova skill de ataque chamada “Bloody Strike” (3 estrelas) agora está disponível para personagens das classes Dominator e Doomcryer.

Skill LevelLevelSPAdenaPowerEfeito
176450670144Unleashes a black-red energy ball at the enemy and makes it explode.Inflicts magic damage to the enemy with 144 power.
Enemies who are debuffed/ anomaly affected take more damage.

— É necessário o livro de skills “Spellbook: Bloody Strike” para aprender “Bloody Strike”.

— Quando um personagem entra em uma zona de instância transcendental, “Bloody Strike” se transforma em “Transcendent Bloody Strike”.

2. Três novas skills passivas estão agora disponívels para os personagens das classes Dominator e Doomcryer.

Shaman’s Attack Mastery

LevelLevel ObrigatórioSP ObrigatórioEfeito
14054008200Casting Spd. +50
P. Accuracy +4
Cooldown- 20%
Shock Atk. Rate +15%
25531,00047,000Casting Spd. +80
P. Accuracy +4
Cooldown- 20%
Shock Atk. Rate +15%
36573,000110,000Casting Spd. +85
P. Accuracy +4
Cooldown- 20%
Shock Atk. Rate +15%
475160,000240,000Casting Spd. +90
P. Accuracy +4
Cooldown- 20%
Shock Atk. Rate +15%
58116,000,00016,000,000Casting Spd. +95
P. Accuracy +5
Cooldown- 20%
Shock Atk. Rate +15%

— Ao aprender a skill “Shaman’s Attack Mastery”, as seguintes skills desaparecem:

* Fast Spellcasting;

* Stun Mastery;

* Eagle Spirit;

* Quick Recovery.

— As skills dos personagens Orc Mystic e Orc Shaman não desaparecem.

Shaman’s Armor Mastery

LevelLevel ObrigatórioSP ObrigatórioEfeito
14054008200M. Def. +195
M. Damage Resistance +15%
P. Evasion +4
<When using robes>
P. Def. +200
<When using light armor>
P. Def. +190
Casting Spd. +95%
Atk. Spd. +25%
MP Recovery Rate +20%
<When using heavy armor>
P. Def. +175
Casting Spd. +70%
Atk. Spd. +25%
24920,00030,000M. Def. +235
M. Damage Resistance +20%
P. Evasion +4
<When using robes>
P. Def. +230
<When using light armor>
P. Def. +220
Casting Spd. +95%
Atk. Spd. +25%
MP Recovery Rate +20%
<When using heavy armor>
P. Def. +195
Casting Spd. +71%
Atk. Spd. +25%
36158,00088,000M. Def. +260
M. Damage Resistance +25%
P. Evasion +4
<When using robes>
P. Def. +250
<When using light armor>
P. Def. +240
Casting Spd. +95%
Atk. Spd. +25%
MP Recovery Rate +20%
<When using heavy armor>
P. Def. +215
Casting Spd. +72%
Atk. Spd. +25%
471160,000240,000M. Def. +330
M. Damage Resistance +30%
P. Evasion +4
<When using robes>
P. Def. +300
<When using light armor>
P. Def. +290
Casting Spd. +95%
Atk. Spd. +25%
MP Recovery Rate +20%
<When using heavy armor>
P. Def. +225
Casting Spd. +75%
Atk. Spd. +25%
579980,0001,480,000M. Def. +330
M. Damage Resistance +30%
P. Evasion +5
<When using robes>
P. Def. +330
<When using light armor>
P. Def. +300
Casting Spd. +95%
Atk. Spd. +25%
MP Recovery Rate +20%
<When using heavy armor>
P. Def. +255
Casting Spd. +75%
Atk. Spd. +25%

— Ao aprender a skill “Shaman’s Armor Mastery”, as seguintes skills desaparecem:

* Robe Mastery;

* Heavy Armor Mastery;

* Light Armor Mastery;

* Spirit Shield;

* Anti Magic;

* Soul Evasion.

— As skills dos personagens Orc Mystic e Orc Shaman não desaparecem.

Shaman’s Recovery Mastery

LevelLevel ObrigatórioSP ObrigatórioEfeito
14054008200Max HP +150
Max MP +100
HP Recovery Rate +1.6
MP Recovery Rate +1.9
24912,00019,000Max HP +250
Max MP +150
HP Recovery Rate +2.1
MP Recovery Rate +2.7
36146,00070,000Max HP +350
Max MP +200
HP Recovery Rate +2.6
MP Recovery Rate +3.1
471130,000200,000Max HP +400
Max MP +250
HP Recovery Rate +2.7
MP Recovery Rate +3.4
579980,0001,480,000Max HP +450
Max MP +300
HP Recovery Rate +2.7
MP Recovery Rate +3.4

— Ao aprender a skill “Shaman’s Recovery Mastery”, as seguintes skills desaparecem:

* Boost HP;

* Mana Boost;

* Quick HP Recovery;

* Quick Mana Recovery.

— As skills dos personagens Orc Mystic e Orc Shaman não desaparecem.

3. As seguintes skills usadas pelas classes Dominator e Doomcryer foram aprimoradas e alguns novos efeitos foram adicionados.

SkillLevelEfeito Alterado
Pa’agrio’s Touch1– New effect: for 30 sec., restores 10% CP every 3 sec.
– Shield effect now stacks with the Dragon’s Protection effect.
Team Building1– Increased HP of the 30-sec. shield from 5000 to 10,000.
– Shield effect now stacks with the Dragon’s Protection effect.

4. Quando um personagem da classe Dominator é afetado pelo efeito Debuff Master, a taxa de ativação das seguintes skills é aumentada.

Enhanced Seal of Silence20
Enhanced Seal of Despair6
Enhanced Seal of Infection1

5. O efeito da skill “Weapon Mastery” foi modificado e integrado na skill “Shaman’s Attack Mastery.”

— A skill “Weapon Mastery” pode ser aprendida até o nível 9 após a primeira mudança de classe. A skill é excluída após aprender “Shaman’s Attack Mastery.”

— No nível máximo da skill, alguns atributos foram melhorados da seguinte forma: P. Atk. +50, M. Atk. +150.

— O efeito de Consumo de MP acionado após um ataque com uma certa chance foi removido dos efeitos da skill “Weapon Mastery.” Foi adicionado um efeito que recupera 1% de MP a cada 5 segundos quando o personagem está matando monstros.

6. Foi adicionado um efeito à skill “Shaman’s Attack Mastery.” O efeito é o mesmo da skill “Weapon Mastery” atual, embora não estivesse mencionado na descrição da skill.

Efeito não descrito na skill
P. Atk. +45%
M. Atk. +17%
When using a bow/ spear, P. Accuracy -8


1. Uma nova skill passiva chamada “Spell of Power” agora está disponível para os personagens da classe Dominator.

Spell of Power Lv. 1P. Def. +100
M. Skill Critical Damage +40
Lv. 76
4,500,000 SP
Spellbook: Spell of Power


1. Uma nova skill passiva chamada “Spell of Fatality” agora está disponível para os personagens da classe Doomcryer.

Spell of Fatality Lv. 1M. Skill Critical Rate +15%
M. Skill Cooldown -1%
Lv. 76
6,700,000 SP
Spellbook: Spell of Fatality

Elemental Master

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Eva’s Summoner”.

— Ao aprender a skill “Eva’s Summoner”, a skill “Children of Eva” é removida.

Eva’s Summoner Lv. 1HP Recovery Rate +5%
M. Atk. +150
M. Skill Critical Rate +5%
M. Skill Critical Damage +40
Lv. 76
8,100,000 SP
Spellbook: Eva’s Summoner

Spectral Master

1. Uma nova skill passiva chamada “Shillien’s Summoner” foi adicionada.

— Ao aprender a skill “Shillien’s Summoner”, a skill “Children of Shillien” é removida.

Shillien’s Summoner Lv. 1MP Recovery Rate +5%
M. Atk. +170
M. Skill Critical Rate +10%
Lv. 76
8,300,000 SP
Spellbook: Shillien’s Summoner

Arcana Lord

1. Uma nova skill passiva chamada “Einhasad’s Summoner” foi adicionada.

— Ao aprender a skill “Einhasad’s Summoner”, a skill “Einhasad’s Blessing” é removida.

Einhasad’s Summoner Lv. 1HP Recovery Rate +5%
MP Recovery Rate +5%
M. Atk. +210
P. Def. +50
M. Def. +50
Lv. 76
8,100,000 SP
Spellbook: Einhasad’s Summoner

Mystic Muse and Eva’s Saint

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Mighty Children of Eva”.

Mighty Children of EvaHP Recovery Rate +5%
M. Atk. +150
M. Skill Critical Rate +5%
M. Skill Critical Damage +40
[Mystic Muse]
Lv. 76
6,100,000 SP
Spellbook: Mighty Children of Eva
[Eva’s Saint]
Lv. 76
6,800,000 SP

Storm Screamer and Shillien Saint

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Mighty Children of Shillien”.

Mighty Children of ShillienMP Recovery Rate +5%
M. Atk. +170
M. Skill Critical Rate +10%
[Storm Screamer]
Lv. 76
5,700,000 SP
Spellbook: Mighty Children of Shillien
[Shillien Saint]
Lv. 76
7,400,000 SP

Archmage, Soultaker, Cardinal, Hierophant

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Einhasad’s Expert Blessing”.

Einhasad’s Expert BlessingHP Recovery Rate +5%
MP Recovery Rate +5%
M. Atk. +210
P. Def. +50
M. Def. +50
Lv. 76
6,900,000 SP
Spellbook: Einhasad’s Expert Blessing
Lv. 76
4,500,000 SP
Lv. 76
5,700,000 SP
Lv. 76
8,000,000 SP

Mages and Summoners

1. Corrigido um problema que impedia o ataque forçado de ser acionado após o uso da skill “Spiral”.

ArchmageFire Spiral
SoultakerDark Spiral
Mystic MuseIce Spiral
Storm ScreamerWind Spiral

2. A skill “Higher Mana Gain” usada pelas classes Archmage, Soultaker, Arcana Lord, Mystic Muse, Elemental Master, Storm Screamer e Spectral Master foi alterada da seguinte forma.

SkillBracketM. Atk.M. AccuracyM. Skill Critical Rate
Higher Mana Gain4000 MP or higher+100+6+1%
8000 MP or higher+200+7+5%
15000 MP or higher+300+8+7%
20000 MP or higher+400+10+10%
30000 MP or higher+500+12+11%

3. 3 novas skills estão disponívels para as classes Arcana Lord, Elemental Master e Spectral Master.

Powerful Servitor Share
76Spellbook: Powerful Servitor ShareTransfers a certain percent of the summoner’s stats values to the servitor as well as some passive item properties.
<Combat stats transfer>
P./ M. Atk.: 70%
P./ M. Def.: 70%
Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd.: 60%
Max HP/ MP: 70%
<Items passive properties transfer>
Rare accessories
– Ring of Insolence
– Hellbound Ring
– Dragon Valley’s Earring
– Valakas’ Necklace
Rare accessories
– Baium’s Ring
– Queen Ant’s Ring
– Beleth’ Ring
– Ring of Core
– Antharas’ Earring
– Zaken’s Earring
– Orfen’s Earring
– Frintezza’s Necklace

— Após aprender a skill “Powerful Servitor Share”, a skill “Servitor Share” é removida.

4. Aqui estão as diferenças entre a skill existente “Servitor Share” e a nova skill “Powerful Servitor Share”:

Servitor Share Lv. 5Powerful Servitor Share
<Combat stats transfer>
P./ M. Atk.: 70%
P./ M. Def.: 70%
Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd.: 60%
Max HP/ MP: 50%
<Combat stats transfer>
P./ M. Atk.: 70%
P./ M. Def.: 70%
Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd.: 60%
Max HP/ MP: 70%
<Items passive effects transfer>
– Ring of Insolence
– Hellbound Ring
– Dragon Valley’s Earring
– Valakas’ Necklace
– Baium’s Ring
– Queen Ant’s Ring
– Beleth’ Ring
– Ring of Core
– Antharas’ Earring
– Zaken’s Earring
– Orfen’s Earring
– Frintezza’s Necklace

— O invocador transfere os efeitos dos Rare Accessories equipados.

— As skills passivas dos +5 Rare Accessories também são transferidas para os servidores, excluindo a “Core’s Blessing” e skills ativas.

— Se Accessories idênticos estiverem equipados, os efeitos do acessório com um valor de encanto mais alto são transferidos.

— Os efeitos de augmentação dos acessórios equipados não são transferidos.

5. Foram alterados os efeitos das seguintes skills usadas pelas classes Arcana Lord, Elemental Master e Spectral Master.

Ray of Light1-5Cooldown: 15 sec.Cooldown: 10 sec.
Servitor Ultimate Defense3For 30 sec., servitor’s
P. Def. +4000
P. Def. +3000
Max HP +3000
Buff Cancel Resistance +80%
For 30 sec., servitor’s
P. Def. +4000
P. Def. +3000
Max HP +3000
Buff Cancel Resistance +80%
Received damage limit: 4000

6. O consumo de MP da skill “Fireball” foi alterado.

SkillLevelMP Consumption
Fireball1-65 → 2


1. Foram adicionados novos efeitos à skill Legendary Archer. O efeito depende da classe do Archer.

P. Atk. +25%
P. Skill Critical Rate +20%
Skill Critical Damage +20%
Max HP +10%
Melee Weapon Resistance +10%
SagittariusP. Skill Power +2%
Moonlight SentinelP. Skill Critical Damage +20
Ghost SentinelReceived P. Skill Critical Rate -2%
TricksterReceived M. Skill Critical Rate -2%

2. Os efeitos de algumas skills foram alterados.

SagittariusFlame Arrow3Increased the debuff trigger rate
(in the base calculation formula)
Moonlight SentinelArrow Shower2
Ghost SentinelPiercing Arrow2
TricksterChain Arrest2
Storm BlasterGoring Charge1

3. Reduzido o tempo de lançamento da skill “Goring Charge” de 1,5 segundos para 1 segundo.

Storm Blaster

1. Aumentado o level máximo da skill Long Range Attack.

Long Range Attack Lv. 3P. Atk. +100
Attack range +110
Skill range +10
Lv. 76
8,000,000 SP
Spellbook: Long Range Attack Lv. 3

2. Alterada a quantidade de MP recuperada devido a uma certa chance e os tempos de recarga das skills “Dual Blow,” “Triple Blow” e “Stealthy Swiftness”.

Recovers 5% MP.
Cooldown: 40 sec.
Recovers 1% MP.
Cooldown: 30 sec.

3. Foi adicionado o efeito “P. Atk. +5%” (★★★) à skill “Elemental Spirit Lv. 4”.


1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill passiva chamada “Hidden Dagger”.

Hidden Dagger Lv. 1When using the Lethal Blow/ Dark Blow/ Backstab skills:
with a certain chance, makes an additional attack.
<Trigger rate>
Lethal Blow: 2%
Dark Blow: 4%
Backstab: 5%
Lv. 76Spellbook: Hidden Dagger

— Quando usada por Ghost Hunters, a skill “Hidden Dagger” pode ser ativada mesmo quando “Backstab: Blood” é usado.

2. A skill “Dark Blow” se tornou uma skill transcendental que pode ser usada em zonas de instância transcendental.

3. Alterado o nível máximo de algumas skills usadas por Rogues: 1 → 2.

— O nível necessário para aprender “Exciting Adventure Lv. 1”, “Wind Riding Lv. 1” e “Ghost Walking Lv. 1” foi alterado para Lv. 76.

Exciting Adventure2P. Atk. +300
Speed +10
P. Evasion +10
Vital Point Attack Rate +15%
P. Skill Evasion +60%
Buff Cancel Resistance +90%
Suppression Resistance +20%
Does not stack with
Ultimate Evasion.
Lv. 76
Spellbook: Exciting Adventure Lv. 2
Wind Riding2P. Atk. +300
Speed +30
P. Evasion +20
Vital Point Attack Rate +10%
P. Skill Evasion +60%
Buff Cancel Resistance +80%
Suppression Resistance +10%
Does not stack with
Ultimate Evasion.
Lv. 76
Spellbook: Exciting Adventure Lv. 2
Ghost Walking2P. Atk. +300
Speed +20
P. Evasion +10
Vital Point Attack Rate +25%
P. Skill Evasion +60%
Buff Cancel Resistance +80%
Suppression Resistance +15%
Does not stack with
Ultimate Evasion.
Lv. 76
Spellbook: Exciting Adventure Lv. 2

Todos os Kamael

1. O efeito de Consumo de MP que era acionado com uma certa chance após um ataque foi removido dos efeitos de “Light Veil Lv. 1-2”.

2. Foi adicionado o efeito “When using a rapier, basic attack range +60” que não estava mencionado na descrição, embora a skill “Light Veil Lv. 1-2” o tivesse.

3. O efeito da skill “Light Veil Lv. 2” foi alterado da seguinte forma.

<Evolved Wings Lv. 2>
P. Atk. +280
Atk. Spd. +80
Casting Spd. +120
Speed +15
P. Skill Critical Damage +200
M. Skill Critical Damage +200
P. Def. +10%
M. Def. +10%
With a certain chance, absorbs a part of inflicted damage as MP.
Recovers HP/ MP over time.
<Evolved Wings Lv. 2>
P. Atk. +280
Atk. Spd. +80
Casting Spd. +120
P. Def. +10%
M. Def. +10%
Speed +15
Max HP +10%
(Momentarily recovers bonus HP.)
Skill Critical Damage +200
Received Skill Critical Rate -3%
Received Skill Critical Damage -3%
When using a rapier, basic attack range +60
Recovers 3% MP.
(One-time recovery; refers to the increase from max MP)
Recovers 39 HP every 0.6 sec.
Recovers 5 MP every 0.6 sec.

Soul Hound

1. Corrigido um erro que às vezes impedia que o Lightning Tornado fosse acionado quando o Soul Spark era usado na máxima distância.


1. Alterados os requisitos de Max HP para usar a skill “Life Gain” e aprimorados alguns de seus efeitos.

LevelMax HP AntesMax HP AgoraEfeito
1<15,000 (no change)<15,000 (no change)P. Atk. +10
2<15,000 – 24,999<15,000 – 39,999P. Atk. +250
P. Skill Power +1%
3<25,000 – 49,999<40,000 – 79,999P. Atk. +350
P. Skill Power +2%
4<50,000 – 74,999<80,000 – 99,999P. Atk. +500
P. Skill Power +3%
Debuff/ Anomaly Resistance +5%
5<75,000 – 99,999Higher than 100,000P. Atk. +800
P. Skill Power +5%
Debuff/ Anomaly Resistance +10%


1. Uma nova skill de ataque chamada “Hammer Rumble” (3 estrelas) está disponível.

1Lv. 76
7,900,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 6049 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
2Lv. 82
170,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 6367 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
3Lv. 84
240,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 6702 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
4Lv. 86
840,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 7055 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
5Lv. 88
840,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 7426 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
6Lv. 90
840,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 7897 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.

— Para aprender a skill “Hammer Rumble” Nível 1, você precisará do livro de skills “Spellbook: Hammer Rumble”.

Fortune Seeker

1. Uma nova skill de ataque chamada “Trophy Thief” (3 estrelas) está disponível.

1Lv. 76
7,200,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 6373 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
There is a certain chance to steal items from monsters.
2Lv. 82
170,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 6708 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
There is a certain chance to steal items from monsters.
3Lv. 84
240,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 7061 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
There is a certain chance to steal items from monsters.
4Lv. 86
840,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 7433 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
There is a certain chance to steal items from monsters.
5Lv. 88
840,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 7824 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
There is a certain chance to steal items from monsters.
6Lv. 90
840,000,000 SP
Attacks the enemy with 8295 power.
Ignores Shield Defense.
Ignores 20% of the target’s defense.
There is a certain chance to steal items from monsters.

— Ao aprender a nova skill “Trophy Thief”, a skill antiga “Spoil Crush” é removida.

— Para aprender “Trophy Thief” Nível 1, você precisará do livro de skills “Spellbook: Trophy Thief”.

— Quando um personagem entra em uma zona de instância transcendental, “Trophy Thief” se transforma em “Transcendent Trophy Thief” e perde a capacidade de roubar itens de monstros.

Healers e PP

1. Os efeitos de Divine Beam e Essential Divine Beam foram modificados da seguinte forma.

Divine Beam– Skill power is no longer increased when used against Held targets.
Essential Divine Beam– The removed skill power has been added as base power.

2. A skill “Healing Lv. 4” (3 estrelas) agora está disponível para personagens da classe Eva’s Saint.

476Recovers the target’s HP by 400 power.
Removes Infection/ Suppression/ Hold/ Silence debuffs from the target.
Cancels Ultimate Suppression skills.
Spellbook: Healing Lv. 4

3. A skill “Exclusion” (4 estrelas) da Eva’s Saint agora pode cancelar a Suppression aplicada aos aliados.

<Knockback/ Suppression skill>
Knocks back the target and surrounding enemies.
Inflicts magic damage. Power 130.
For 5 sec.,
Greatly decreases Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd./ Speed.
P. Skill Cooldown +5%
M. Skill Cooldown +5%
For 10 sec.,
Speed buffs are disabled.
Gap-closing skills cannot be used.
<Knockback/ Suppression skill>
Cancels Suppression skills.
Can cancel Ultimate Suppression skills.
Inflicts magic damage. Power 130.
Knockback/ Suppression/ Rush Block effect
Suppression Effect
Duration: 5 sec.
Greatly decreases Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. and Speed.
P./ M. Skill Cooldown +5%
Can be canceled with debuff/ anomaly-removing skills or Ultimate Suppression-removing skills.

4. A skill “Holy Buster” usada pelas classes Cardinal, Eva’s Saint e Shillien Saint será substituída pelas skills “Shining Wave,” “Sea Burst” e “Dark Wave.”

CardinalShining WaveLv. 76
680,000 SP
Spellbook: Saint’s Burst x1
Eva’s SaintSea BurstLv. 76
740,000 SP
Spellbook: Saint’s Burst x1
Shillien SaintDark WaveLv. 76
570,000 SP
Spellbook: Saint’s Burst x1

— Os efeitos de “Shining Wave,” “Aqua Burst” e “Dark Wave” estão listados abaixo.

Shining WaveM. Atk. +100
When using the Divine Beam/ Shining Beam skills:
With a certain chance, makes an additional attack on 3 enemies.
PvP: attacks up to 3 enemies.
PvE: attacks up to 3 enemies.
The additional attack deals heavy damage to demons and undead.
Sea BurstM. Atk. +100
When using the Divine Beam/ Sea Beam skills:
With a certain chance, makes an additional attack.
PvP: attacks up to 3 enemies.
PvE: attacks up to 3 enemies.
The additional attack deals heavy damage to demons and undead.
Dark WaveM. Atk. +100
When using the Divine Beam/ Dark Beam skills:
With a certain chance, makes an additional attack.
PvP: attacks up to 3 enemies.
PvE: attacks up to 3 enemies.
The additional attack deals heavy damage to demons and undead.

5. O efeito “P. Def. +10” da skill “Armor Mastery” foi transferido para o efeito da skill “Priest’s Armor Mastery” e não é mais duplicado. — Após aprender a skill “Priest’s Armor Mastery,” a skill “Armor Mastery” é excluída.


1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill chamada “Shining Oath”.

Shining OathLv. 76
570,000 SP
Spellbook: Shining Oath x1
M. Atk. +50
Healing Power +100
<Skill change>
Divine Beam → Shining Beam

— Após aprender a skill “Shining Oath,” a skill “Divine Power” é excluída.

Eva’s Saint

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill chamada “Sea Oath”.

Sea OathLv. 76
680,000 SP
Spellbook: Aqua Oath x1
M. Atk. +50
Speed +1
<Skill change>
Divine Beam → Sea Beam

Shillien Saint

1. Foi adicionada uma nova skill chamada “Dark Oath”.

Dark OathLv. 76
740,000 SP
Spellbook: Dark Oath x1
M. Atk. +50
Max HP +500
<Skill change>
Divine Beam → Dark Beam

2. Os efeitos de “P. Critical Rate/ Damage Increase” da skill “Prophecy of Wind” foram substituídos por “Received Skill Critical Rate Decrease” e “Received Skill Critical Damage Decrease”.

1P. Accuracy +4
M. Accuracy +4
P. Evasion +4
M. Evasion +4
M. Skill Critical Rate +15%
M. Skill Critical Damage +25%
Speed +10%
PvE damage +15%
Received Skill Critical Rate -4%
Received Skill Critical Damage -4%
Debuff Resistance +10%
Anomaly Resistance +10%
2P. Accuracy +4
M. Accuracy +4
P. Evasion +4
M. Evasion +4
M. Skill Critical Rate +20%
M. Skill Critical Damage +30%
Speed +15%
PvE damage +20%
Received Skill Critical Rate -8%
Received Skill Critical Damage -8%
Debuff Resistance +20%
Anomaly Resistance +20%

Confira outras notícias